the reason you're bloated

Are you fed up of feeling bloated? Feeling like someone has pumped up a balloon in your tummy that’s just so hard and uncomfortable.

Fed up of not being able to wear your fave outfits that are hanging in your wardrobe?!

You’re not alone!! Bloating is one of the main issues my clients share with me. THE GOOD NEWS IS… you don’t have to suffer! Bloating is not your fate!

Often the most frustrating thing about bloating is not knowing what may be causing it. Because if you knew what was causing it, you could avoid it right?!

So why are you bloated?

There are a few reasons, including:

  • Undigested food sitting around too long and fermenting in your intestine. This is typically caused by low stomach acid.

  • Food sensitivities. Especially to particular food groups like gluten, legumes/ pulses, insoluble fibre, dairy etc. Considering shelling out money for a food intolerance test? PLEASE DON’T (I share why below).

  • Gut infections/ overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria.

  • Hormonal imbalances

Okay, so now you want to know what to do about it?!!!

Download the 5 step guide below so you can:

  1. Improve your stomach acid to support food digestion with one simple ingredient.

  2. Hear real life examples of the magic that happens when you understand your food sensitivities.

  3. Understand what foods and herbs to prioritise to help beat the bloat.

  4. Know a simple strategy to improve IBS symptoms like bloating.

Don’t waste your money on food intolerance tests

Have you have ever been tempted to pay for a test that claims to identify your food intolerance? I know I certainly have! But after much research and following my training in functional medicine I’ve learnt that there is no evidence that these tests can successfully identify a food intolerance.

How these tests work

IgG is a protein in the blood that functions as an antibody. These commercial tests look for IgG4 for many food groups in the blood. If a result is positive, it is advised that you remove that food from the diet.

There is no strong evidence that these tests accurately identify a food intolerance. In fact, allergy doctors have investigated these tests and they have shown that you’re more likely to be told you have a positive food intolerance to a food you consumer regularly, not one you’re intolerant too. This was very much the case for a family member of mine that undertook the test at her expense to try and get to the bottom of her sever skin reaction. Safe to say removing the foods the test told her to did not help.

So how can you figure out if you have a food intolerance?

Gut and food intolerances are intricately linked. If you work to support your gut health it’s likely that your bloating and other GI issues will improve. The gold standard test when it comes to finding your food sensitivities/ intolerances is the elimination diet or as I prefer to refer to it as - 30 day reset. This has a far more positive, less restrictive ring to it.

What is the 30 Day Reset?

With the reset common foods that may be causing symptoms are paused for a period of 30 days and then slowly re-introduced. Foods such as:

  • Gluten containing grains

  • Legumes

  • Industrial seed oils

  • Dairy

With the reintroduction, this will help you identify the foods that may be triggering your symptoms. It’s a super insightful and empowering process and more accurate than a number of expensive tests. Once you’ve “hit the reset button” and returned to that basic template, you can customise it to find the approach that works best for you - creating your own unique nutrition template that energises you.

From my own personal experience with a reset, it’s much more successful to undertake alongside others, with support and accountability.

If you’re interested in knowing more we cover this in detail in Hormone Harmony Academy. Check out what Sarah had to say about the process:

Want to chat more about your bloating and how to heal naturally? Book in a FREE coaching call with me TODAY.


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