Supporting women and those that menstruate to
Thrive in the workplace
At Natural Rays Wellbeing Consultancy we are on a mission to support employers to create inclusive and supportive work environments so that women and those that menstruate can thrive in the workplace throughout the various hormonal life stages from menstruation to menopause and beyond…
We offer support and education for employers who are committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion to ensure that women and those that menstruate are able to engage in the workplace equitably.
Did you know?
→ PRODUCTIVITY - It's estimated that hormonal symptoms are linked to nearly 9 days of lost productivity every year per female staff member. 14 million workdays are lost to the UK economy due to women taking time off to manage menopausal symptoms.
→ SUPPORT - In a survey of 3,000 women and those that menstruate, 59% stated that their employer could do better to provide information to ALL employees on menstruation in the workplace.
→ COST TO EMPLOYER - Reduction in attrition costs through the development of a more inclusive and positive internal culture that supports staff retention.The cost saving is estimated between £6k-£36k (depending on the role). A role with an average UK salary of £27,721 is estimated to cost up to £12,000 in recruitment and training.
→ SUPPORTING WELLBEING - Hormone health is intrinsically linked to emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. Providing education and support around hormone health in the workplace will minimise sick days and lost productivity through presenteeism.
Amazing organisations already making an impact
Why should you become a menstrual and menopausal supportive workplace…
…providing support and education around hormone health, menstrual and menopausal health in the workplace will have a number of company-wide benefits:
➡️Inspires change in other areas of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
➡️Provides meaningful and measurable social value outcomes to meet ESG reporting requirements.
➡️ Meeting legislative requirements set out in the Equality Act 2010, The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
➡️Creation of a more open, supportive, and inclusive work culture that encourages all staff, including men and those that don’t menstruate, to engage with hormone health and menopause in the workplace (showing that as an employer it is more than just “lip service”).
➡️Improved team cohesion through the improvement of leadership culture by generating more awareness among managers and leaders without personal or lived experiences of menstruation and menopause.
➡️Acceleration of gender equality at work by supporting all staff to be able to fully participate in the workplace and supporting more women in senior leadership roles.
➡️Demonstrated commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion with the potential to drive change outside of the organisation to the wider community, partners, and beyond
Want to better understand what bespoke support would look like for your company?
Services offered can include:
→ Develop key support communities and set out their structure.
→ Develop a support plan around key awareness days throughout the year.
→ Ensure current policies and procedures are fit for purpose.
→ Educational workshops to help facilitate open conversations and remove the stigma around menstruation and menopause in the workplace.
→ Develop a plan to create educational information and resources for the company intranet/ weekly or monthly newsletters.
→ 1:1 or group coaching offers for staff to be signposted to.
→ Senior management training on becoming menstruation and menopause aware.
→ Access to online courses to help staff manage symptoms.