Why you can't perform the same every day

Do you feel like you should be able to perform the same each day? Whether that’s your productivity at work, hitting the same pace on your run, getting out of bed the same time?

Do you beat yourself up when you don’t perform the same? Saying things like “I was so much more productive last week” “This felt easy last week”. 

Contrary to what we tell ourselves or what society would have us believe this isn’t us being mental, lazy or unproductive. If you menstruate, there’s a biological reason that your emotions and energy change day to day week to week during the course of your cycle.

So, not only does the 24hr clock impact us but we have a 2nd clock, our infradian clock AKA our menstrual cycle which runs for anywhere 21 - 36 days with 4 unique phases. Within each phase our hormone levels fluctuate affecting your energy levels, mood, brain function and more.

But the current systems don’t consider your cyclical nature and therefore you try to fit yourself into this 24hr cycle only to be left feeling frustrated and overwhelmed - am I right? Like a square peg trying to fit into a triangle shaped hole. 

On top of this we live in a society that rewards the yang more masculine energy. All this talk of hustling, not celebrating resting or tuning into our inner guidance the more yin and feminine energy.  

So what is this inner rhythm and guidance that we can call on and tune back into?

It all starts with understanding your cycle and how the 5 hormones that govern it change throughout. The quantity of these hormones changes 4 times during a cycle which creates the 4 distinct phases.

What does each of these hormones do?

Let’s start at the beginning of the graph:

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - does exactly what it says on the tin. Stimulates your follicles to help the eggs they contain to mature. It arrives at the start of your cycle (day 1 - when you start to properly bleed, not spotting) when hormone levels are lowest and stimulates the follicles to grow. Then once the lead follicle has been selected FSH stands down and the lead follicle start to produce estrogen.

Estrogen - The Queen B your diva hormones who reigns over the first half of your cycle. She’s the hormone that makes you feel confident, sexy, good skin and body days, great socialiser, great at picking up new skills, gets the brain firing on all cylinders.

Luteinizing hormone - is the muscle behind the final moments leading up to ovulation. It works with FSH and the peak in estrogen to result in ovulation. It’s also responsible for instructing the corpus luteum on your ovary to produce progesterone after ovulation.

Testosterone - contrary to what lots of people think testosterone isn’t just a male hormone. It’s active, competitive, sexy, strong - The Serena Williams of hormones. It helps you maintain and build muscle and bone density, it gives your libido a boost leading up to ovulation.

Progesterone - Your cool calm, introspective hormone dominates the second half of your cycle.

What happens in each phase?

The days in each phase shown above are based on an "average" 28 day cycle. To find out the specific days for your cycle refer to your cycle tracker. Day 1 is the first day of your bleed (not spotting) and lasts until you stop bleeding. If you don't yet track your cycle I recommend that you do. It's easy to do using an app like Clue or you may prefer to use a paper diary or cycle tracker like this one.

Start using your cycle as your unique productivity and scheduling tool to help you achieve more with less stress.

Write down the days of your cycle in your journal, dairy or calendar and check in with it daily asking yourself - does what I have planned today align with where I’m at in my cycle? Will what I have planned energise or deplete my energy? Can I do more in this phase? Should I ask for help so that I can rest more?

I promise you that if you start to live in alignment with your hormones you will feel more energised and motivated, less exhausted, frustrated and depleted. It's time to start honouring the ebbs and flows as you move through each of your phases. Some phases are for socialising and pushing yourself at work, others are for upping the self-care and saying no. What phase are you in now and how will you honour yourself?


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