Do you want a PMS free life? With more energy, better moods & clarity of thought? Ready to stop dreading your period?

Download your Hormone Harmony eBook and start taking action TODAY!

Ready to stop relying on Dr Google and find an actual solution to your hormonal issues?

Hi, I’m Kirsty - a functional medicine health coach, chocoholic, and rescue dog Mum.  I’ve been exactly where you are - desperately searching the internet for a solution to my hormonal issues to avoid having to take hormonal birth control or other medication .

Are you fed up of feeling unwell and rundown around your period? Having no energy and motivation? Like you’re a different person the week leading up to your period? Fed up of the breakouts and angry skin?

I know the exact feeling! I struggled with hormonal issues in my late 20’s. Adult acne plagued me and effected my self confidence to the point where I couldn’t leave the house, not even to go to the gym without “my face on”. I was exhausted all the time and struggled to slow down, feeling guilty for taking rest days, especially from the gym - so I always made myself “push through”. I relied on coffee and sugar to get me through the day and couldn’t wait for the weekend so I could nap in the afternoons. I had no idea that my fast-paced lifestyle and love of intense workouts 7 days a week was working against my hormones.

As much as I hated my adult acne at the time I’m grateful for it now because it was the catalyst for me slowing down and listening to my body. I hope one day you can look back at your current hormonal issues with gratitude for leading you down a more hormone loving path. A path I hope starts here and you find the information on this page of value.

Through my own hormone healing journey, I've learnt that you can heal adult acne naturally, symptom-free periods are not a myth, you don't have to exercise intensely all the time or deprive yourself to feel confident and sexy in your own body. Clear thoughts and energy are possible without relying on caffeine and chocolate pick-me-ups.

On this page I want to share with you the strategies I used to heal my hormonal imbalances, so you no longer dread your period.  Yep, symptom-free periods are possible and I want that for you! 

How I can help you feel the best version of yourself…

Do you wish there was a guide to help you heal your hormonal issues?

So you could have:

  • Pain-free, lighter periods that turn up on time

  • A better understanding of your hormones and how they impact your energy and emotions

  • A better understanding of how to work with your hormones to achieve more with less stress

  • More rest with less guilt

If you answered yes to any of the above and you’re ready to show your hormones some serious love, then I’m so glad you’re here! I created the Hormone Harmony eBook just for you! The eBook will help you adopt a daily hormone-nourishing routine so that you can achieve the above AND MORE!

Prefer to discuss your specific hormone issues 1:1?
Book a FREE 60 minute discovery call below.

 From the blog

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