Hormone Harmony Bootcamp
Do you ever wonder WTF is going on with your body? Why are you having so many hormonal symptoms?
Maybe you dread your period 🩸 and the symptoms it brings? Spending your time wishing it was over? Then you get over it, start to feel normal again then 💥BAM💥 you’re back in the premenstrual hell week!
Or maybe your symptoms are not even period related but you just don’t have the energy, brain power and zest for life that you want.
Are you ready to break this cycle ⭕️?? Join me for a 90-minute webinar to FINALLY understand what's going on with your body + how to take charge of your symptoms ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Tickets cost £10 and if you decide that you’d like to join my Hormone Harmony Collective - the online membership to support you to go from hormone havoc to hormone harmony the price of your ticket will be taken off your first month’s membership.
I don’t want you to wish any more of your life away because of your hormones
I want to teach you strategies so you can get along with your hormones, maybe even one day love them! After all they do want to work with you (I promise).
Most importantly I want to teach you the strategies so that you can create your own hormone-nourishing routine.
I want to show that you can work in harmony with your hormones and stop giving yourself a hard time thinking that you’re lazy and unproductive around your 🩸.
Are you ready to stop wishing your life away?
Have you ever felt that your hormones are conspiring against you? Like they are holding a secret meeting with your brain - hello crazy emotional rollercoaster, getting irritated by everyone around you even the dog! And don’t even start talking about motivation, what even is that the week before your bleed 🩸?
Then your hormones get your stomach involved in the party, feeling like there’s a balloon inside your tummy, everything feels uncomfy, stabbing pains, period poops - time to curl up into a ball on the sofa. NO! DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!
Then they get your back involved with the pain party. Painkillers and your water bottle are your BFF.
You ask yourself - when will this be over!!!???
You start to feel normal again, things feel brighter, more energy and sociable then 💥BAM💥 you’re back in the premenstrual hell week again! Feeling lazy and unproductive for half of the month.
Are you ready to stop feeling this way? To stop wishing your life away? To feel productive all cycle ⭕ long but also to give yourself the permission to rest?
If you answered a BIG FAT YES then register to join me live or catch the replay.
Give me 90 minutes of your time….
I’ll teach you:
How to identify if you have a hormonal imbalance or is it the phase of life (hello peri-menopause symptoms)
What balanced hormones look/ feel like
Why ovulation is so important for our overall health and vitality (yes! even in peri-menopause - probably more so in that phase)
How to track ovulation
How to take charge of your symptoms for good! (without giving up your sanity)
How to create a hormone-nourishing routine to deal with your symptoms ONCE AND FOR ALL!
How the Hormone Harmony Collective - the super supportive online membership can provide you with support and accountability to put simple lifestyle strategies in place to feel energised, balanced, lighter and brighter.
* If you decide to join the Hormone Harmony Collective the cost of your ticket will be discounted from your first months membership.
A functional medicine health coach. I’ve been exactly where you are - desperately searching the internet for a solution to my hormonal issues. Feeling overwhelmed with all the health information out there and not knowing where to start.
I struggled with hormonal issues in my late 20’s. BUT for ages I actually didn’t connect that it was hormonal because I never actually suffered with period problems. In fact my periods were really light (at the time I thought that was a good thing!).
Adult acne plagued me and affected my self confidence. My thyroid was sluggish causing brain fog, light periods and I was exhausted all the time. I struggled to slow down, feeling guilty for taking rest days especially from the gym - so I always pushed through. Coffee and sugar were my 3pm BFF’s.
Through my own hormone healing journey I've learnt that you can heal adult acne naturally, feeling exhausted with foggy thoughts all the time isn’t normal and you don't have to exercise intensely all the time or deprive yourself to feel confident and sexy in your own body.
A symptom-less cycle is possible and I want that for you! Your body wants to work for you, not against you!
Ready to make 2024 the year that you feel happy and confident in your body again?
If you’re ready join the webinar TODAY.
Hi! I’m Kirsty!
But don’t just take my word for it…
Take a second and imagine what symptom-less cycle would mean for you…
How would that feel?
What would you do with all that extra energy?
What would improve because of your better moods?
Ready to stop imagining, take action, and make this a reality?
Hormone Harmony Bootcamp
Do you dread your period? Spending your time wishing it was over! Then you get over it, start to feel normal again and then BAM you’re back in the premenstrual hell week again!
I don’t want you to wish any more time away because of your period.
I want to teach you the strategies so you can get along with your period, maybe even one day love your period. But most importantly I want to teach you the strategies so that you can create your own hormone nourishing routine. So that you can work in harmony with your hormones and to stop giving yourself a hard time that you’re lazy and unproductive around your period.